I haven’t posted on my blog for a while due to other commitments etc, but I am now beginning to work on my proof of concept for my 12a? service, which I plan to be in the form of either a PDF, or an Adobe Voice presentation – to make it more interesting.
I have a rough structure of how I want it to be set out, starting out with the problem (the vagueness of 12a movies and the 12a movie rating) – backed up with evidence from my questionnaire.
I am then going to show how my app will look, going through the various stages, from scanning the QR code, to redirecting the user to information on the film, to the user scrolling down to see further information.
In order to have a proof of concept however, there are still some aspects to the app that I need to design, including loading screen, the remaining example categories on the app – and how the app icon will look and fit on an iPhone and an Android device. Therefore to begin with, I shall carry on designing these and then import these into my proof of concept, whether that be an Adobe presentation, or a simpler PDF.